Invite the older kids into a spooky dark space (the garden shed, under a creaky old tree in the park) to hear a gory story, and raise the spine-chill factor with a few well-chosen props. For example, welcome listeners
with a deathly handshake (a rubber glove filled with cold water), then tell a
tale of horror and bloody gore, passing round the dead person’s eyes (peeled
grapes), lungs (uncooked bread dough); intestines (a pile of slimy horsetail
seaweed or uncooked sausages); fingernails (fine carvings of dried coconut);
brain (thick cold porridge in a plastic sac). They can take a sip of warm blood
(a phial of coloured glycerine) and so on. Add in sound effects for extra
atmosphere – the headless horseman galloping by (half coconut shells); gunshots
(burst balloons); creaking or slamming doors (vocals). You soon get the hang of