All Together
Easy ideas and quiet activities for all the family to do together.
Speed Scrabble
Jane: This is a brilliant, quick and portable version of Scrabble which doesn't use the board or any clever long words, so you can play it anywhere, any time and with anyone (over about six). In fact, it's so quick and unobstrusive that we recently managed a game while waiting for our main course in Pizza Express. All you need is to clear the decks and lay out a set of Scrabble or Snatch tiles in the middle of the table. Each person takes 15 letters and, as quickly as they can, forms their own set of interlocking words crossword-style as in Scrabble. (You are allowed two-lettered words, which makes it easier for younger kids.) The first person to organise all 15 letters into interlocking words shouts 'Time'. Then everyone stops and picks up a letter. Then the first person to fit all 16 letters shouts 'Time' and you all pick up another letter - and so on until all the letters in the middle are used up.
A funny word game using words that sound the same but have different meanings.
Popcorn Poke
We love, love, love snuggling up and watching old films on dull afternoons, with a home-made poke of home-made popcorn in our hands.
Raindrop Races
Five minutes' fun if it's raining hard.